IT project database

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Convince yourself of the range of our IT consulting services and our unique expertise, which we make transparent for you with our IT project database. With the help of filters and keyword searches, you can search through 4552 IT projects that we have successfully completed with our customers.

The customer has set up its platform solution for initial pilot customers with the basic software components and is now facing the challenge of rapidly increasing the number of users. An offer …
In response to the constant evolution in web development and ongoing advances in cybersecurity, PTA is undertaking a comprehensive project to update the Angular framework and associated dependencies for the Elogbook project …
For the recording of greenhouse gas emissions, the existing complex process is to be simplified and improved by the improvement of individual software by PTA. The cloud-based application will enable the user …
The task is to convert ten selected and prioritized Microsoft Access applications to C#/WPF (with Visual Studio 2022 and .NET 7/8). As part of the migration, customer employees are to be trained …
In response to the constant evolution in web development and ongoing advances in cybersecurity, PTA is undertaking a comprehensive project to update the Angular framework and associated dependencies for the Contact Master …
The web portal for the project management and monitoring of customers in the energy industry has been further developed for around 15 years. The Windows service responsible for data organization is replacing …
The support contract includes support for the operating diary module. As part of the support contract, 2nd and 3rd level activities are performed, such as error analysis and troubleshooting. The operations diary …
The Act on the Introduction of an Electricity Price Brake of December 2022 regulates, on the one hand, the relief for electricity customers in connection with the very sharp rise in energy …
As part of the abolition of the EEG levy obligation (Renewable Energy Sources Act), numerous rule changes are to be implemented in various machine-supported algorithms. The project includes the identification and specification …
In response to the constant evolution in web development and ongoing advances in cybersecurity, PTA is undertaking a comprehensive project to update the Angular framework and associated dependencies for the Auth & …
The focus of the project is on connecting an external forecasting system for photovoltaic systems. In addition, basic functionalities for managing photovoltaic systems are being implemented within the customer's internal applications for …
Creation of a knowledge base on the technical meanings of the data coming from the Energy Trading and Risk Management (ETRM) system: The technical meaning of the data flowing from the Endur …
A global power plant operator uses a Snowflake DB data warehouse on the Microsoft Azure cloud for reporting of KPIs related to power plant, environment management and health & safety at work. …
The goal is to set up a transformation process for the automatic processing of existing data deliveries, on the basis of which reports with economic parameters for gas and electricity networks are …
The 'Bundesverband der Energie- und Wasserwirtschaft (BDEW)' has decided on changes to market communication as of 01.10.2022, which will entail comprehensive adjustments to processes. The customer's systems must be adapted accordingly. The …
In order to validate the completeness of the data procurement via interfaces implemented by third parties (independent of these interfaces), the master data stock supplied by the Federal Network Agency relevant to …
For the recording of greenhouse gas emissions, the existing complex process is to be simplified and improved by the new development of individual software by PTA. The cloud-based application will enable the …
A new and UX-based interaction concept is created for an existing app that has already been tested by pilot customers. The starting point for this is the derivation of usage objects from …
This strategic project (=program) serves to optimize business IT. Here, new IT applications are to be introduced, inefficient IT applications switched off and underlying processes optimized. These necessary adjustments will run through …
In order to establish a data hub, the first step is to evaluate existing market ready Data Catalog systems for the customer. The investigation will evluate the suitability of various application suites …
In order to make the integration of the trading systems and the subsequent balancing group systems of a power plant operator more stable and future-proof, new integration technologies and far-reaching improvements of …
Updates on the German market rules for carrying out the accounting grid billing in the electricity sector (MaBiS) require the processing of further data, initially for (but not limited to) direct marketing. …
Some of the workflows in the EEG application and the EEG Internet portal need to be logged more precisely with regard to auditing acceptability, and email notifications need further development on the …
The scope of dialogues and functionality in the application used by the transmission provider increases as well as the potential for generalizable and thus reusable basic functions both in the application code …

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Dr. Frank Gredel, ein Mann mit braunen Haaren

Dr. Frank Gredel

Head of Business Development

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