IT project database

PTA Keyvisual, Ecke in halbtransparentem Blau

Convince yourself of the range of our IT consulting services and our unique expertise, which we make transparent for you with our IT project database. With the help of filters and keyword searches, you can search through 4578 IT projects that we have successfully completed with our customers.

Im Rahmen einer Neugestaltung einer Individual-Software durch eine neue, aktuelle Variante, wird auch eine Kalenderfunktion ergänzt. PTA unterstützt hierbei bei der Anbindung an die neue Kalender-Software sowie dem Erstellen neuer, individueller Funktionen. …
Das Aufsetzen eines Entwicklungssystems mit dem Betriebssystem Windows 2019 in der PTA für die Anwendung Intercompany Confirmation Manager. Das Verifizieren der Funktionalitäten der Anwendung Intercompany Confirmation Manager mit dem Betriebssystem Windows 2019. …
Durch die Einführung eines Jira-Projektes wurde die komplette Transparenz aller Aktivitäten zu Betrieb, Wartung und Ablösung einer Hostanwendung geschaffen. Der Fachbereich wurde eingebunden und Scrum als Vorgehen initialisiert und erfolgreich eingeführt. …
The fault information tool available on the Internet is the central system for publishing faults and planned supply interruptions at network operators. The PTA implements this software according to the technical and …
Due to legal requirements, a new reporting component must be implemented in an existing control software. …
Creation of several sub-applications to support test and research laboratories in the polymer sector (insulation and damping materials) …
The reporting tool used by the client, which is used here for fund reporting, is replaced by another one. The new reporting software requires a different data supply. Logics that are implemented …
An algorithm for the calculation of transport and compression costs for gas deliveries is implemented. Posting records are generated from the calculated costs and exported to SAP-FI and a customer-specific ERP system …
As part of a global SAP template, the customer converts all SAP forms to Adobe Forms. Old technologies (SAP Script, smartforms) will be replaced by Adobe Forms. In addition to technological renewal, …
In the course of modernizing the BI landscape and optimizing performance in data analysis, Exasol is being tested for suitability as an Enterprise Cloud Data Warehouse (DWH). In addition to efficient data …
Extension of the insurance software with hazard data, supply of the data warehouse with additional information, extension of the existing interfaces. Activities carried out by the PTA: Data model changes, interface additions, …
In part one of the Project, a company within the company group is relocated to another SAP System. Part two of the Project consists of the Setting up of the IT-Cost Centers …
The customer is starting a project for the introduction of a smart metering infrastructure (hardware and software) for monitoring plants in the field of energy contracting. Due to delays, the initiation and …
The customer would like to migrate a document management system (DMS) that is already being operated off-premise at some subsidiaries abroad to its own data center and introduce it for other subsidiaries. …
The customer’s project is in the area of digitizing business processes and involves the development of web-based administration software coupled to already existing customer applications. PTA supports the project providing two software …
For years, the customer has been using an intranet application designed and developed by PTA to calculate the share price of real estate, special and credit funds. As part of an expansion …
Development of Informatica ETL routes to transform data delivery into a standard format defined for the target system. …
The customer would like to offer a registration to webinars via a corresponding landing page and support the dispatch of information material after registration. In addition, leads are generated from the registrations …
The aim of the project is the implementation of a streaming application for the processing and visualization of event data in near-realtime. The PTA designs and implements a system architecture with suitable …
The existing application ist optimized for usage on a Microsoft Surface Notebook und ist used by insurance Regulators, to process reported Claims. The application is design to support Settlement of claims on …
The identification of medical devices throughout the entire hospital process from procurement to treatment billing must be documented in a comprehensible manner. The aim of the project is to analyse the actual …
Interim filling of an internal position as IT enterprise architect, design of target architectures, integration of software systems into the IT development plan, support of departments and IT development in the creation …
A series of key user integration workshops is run to support a global roll-out project introducing sales and service processes on a Salesforce CRM cloud platform at a group customer from the …
The customer wants to migrate an existing data warehouse onto another solution. The quality and completeness of the migrated data is to be checked with automated tests. …

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Dr. Frank Gredel, ein Mann mit braunen Haaren

Dr. Frank Gredel

Head of Business Development

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