IT project database

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Convince yourself of the range of our IT consulting services and our unique expertise, which we make transparent for you with our IT project database. With the help of filters and keyword searches, you can search through 4578 IT projects that we have successfully completed with our customers.

Im Rahmen einer Neugestaltung einer Individual-Software durch eine neue, aktuelle Variante, wird auch eine Kalenderfunktion ergänzt. PTA unterstützt hierbei bei der Anbindung an die neue Kalender-Software sowie dem Erstellen neuer, individueller Funktionen. …
Das Aufsetzen eines Entwicklungssystems mit dem Betriebssystem Windows 2019 in der PTA für die Anwendung Intercompany Confirmation Manager. Das Verifizieren der Funktionalitäten der Anwendung Intercompany Confirmation Manager mit dem Betriebssystem Windows 2019. …
Durch die Einführung eines Jira-Projektes wurde die komplette Transparenz aller Aktivitäten zu Betrieb, Wartung und Ablösung einer Hostanwendung geschaffen. Der Fachbereich wurde eingebunden und Scrum als Vorgehen initialisiert und erfolgreich eingeführt. …
The advanced planning system (APS) FELIOS system from INFORM will be used to support production areas in planning and processing their tasks. The data from the BaaN ERP system forms the basis …
In the current business year, further development of the controlling information system is concentrated on re-design of the export interface for the transfer of monthly consumption and cost components to the SAP …
Prototype implementation of an approval workflow based on the technical workflow of the inubit Suite for carrying out a feasibility study. The objective of the project is to replace a previous system. …
The objective of the project is to replace an existing Access application as a product database for just one product with a new development implemented in LightSwitch 2012. The project includes a …
Expansion of existing custom software for gas portfolio optimization with the addition of an interface with Endur standard software for the import of long-term contracts (LTC's). …
Expansion of existing custom software for gas portfolio optimization with the addition of an interface with Endur standard software for the import of sales quantity data. The interface also allows to import …
A quality assurance process is established to ensure the quality of customdeveloped software. Specifically this includes planning, monitoring and evaluation of the individual test phases and support in the creation, execution and …
The customer uses an application based on SAP BW Integrated Planning (BI-IP) for sales planning of the global aftermarket. The planning application was revised in order to enter planned data in a …
Implementation of a data warehouse to analyze and optimize sales processes. The range of items is to be structured and planned accordingly using the new DWH based on the location-specific requirements. The …
Implementing a Java-based framework in the Endur energy trading software to generate data both for the Electronic Confirmation Matching specified by EFET and for the submission of financial transactions required by the …
Recording of requirements for departmental reports. Replacement of existing reports Ensuring that existing reports function after the database was moved. …
Support for the customer in the area of text analytics: This mass of unstructured regional and cross-regional messages are to be used as the basis for the determination and evaluation of automated …
The customer is active in the gas market in the United Kingdom. They receive invoices at different times for transportation of gas via pipelines and associated services. To check these invoices, a …
Support for the project for selecting standard software for energy data management. Creation of the functional requirements, communication and coordination of provider contacts, viewing and evaluation of the received quotations, decision aids …
For a company in the area of conveyance handling technology, a modern CRM system is implemented, configured on a customer-specific basis and expanded. This includes mechanisms for monitoring customer order behavior, assessing …
Implementation of a Web application for support and automated processing of inter-company trading confirmations. These confirmations are issued to confirm agreed trade transactions between partner companies. …
Requirements analysis for software to support the implementation of the REMIT ordinance at an energy corporation, as well as an expense analysis for certification with ACER as a self-reporter (RRM). …
The aim of the project is to replace an existing internal sales system based on Lotus Notes with a CRM standard software. In the course of the project, the customer's entire sales …
The training course is used to support implementation of SCRUM in the company. The agile software development process is reflected in SpiraTeam. In an example case, the SCRUM process is performed in …
The incoming customer inquiries and complaints are processed for a laboratory information system that has been on the market for some years. This is done with defined time limits and according to …
The fleet management system is used to manage data related to leased vehicles for employees. The entire process is covered: from ordering to the return process/end-of-agreement process. …

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Dr. Frank Gredel, ein Mann mit braunen Haaren

Dr. Frank Gredel

Head of Business Development

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