IT project database

PTA Keyvisual, Ecke in halbtransparentem Blau

Convince yourself of the range of our IT consulting services and our unique expertise, which we make transparent for you with our IT project database. With the help of filters and keyword searches, you can search through 4578 IT projects that we have successfully completed with our customers.

Im Rahmen einer Neugestaltung einer Individual-Software durch eine neue, aktuelle Variante, wird auch eine Kalenderfunktion ergänzt. PTA unterstützt hierbei bei der Anbindung an die neue Kalender-Software sowie dem Erstellen neuer, individueller Funktionen. …
Das Aufsetzen eines Entwicklungssystems mit dem Betriebssystem Windows 2019 in der PTA für die Anwendung Intercompany Confirmation Manager. Das Verifizieren der Funktionalitäten der Anwendung Intercompany Confirmation Manager mit dem Betriebssystem Windows 2019. …
Durch die Einführung eines Jira-Projektes wurde die komplette Transparenz aller Aktivitäten zu Betrieb, Wartung und Ablösung einer Hostanwendung geschaffen. Der Fachbereich wurde eingebunden und Scrum als Vorgehen initialisiert und erfolgreich eingeführt. …
A global acting customer has established a software-supported sales-planning process, that includes campaign planning and monitoring. It enables fast and efficient creation, validation and tracking of these campaigns. Due to changing global …
A global acting customer has established a software-supported sales-planning process, that includes campaign planning and monitoring. It enables fast and efficient creation, validation and tracking of these campaigns. Due to changing global …
In an internationally-operating retail company, new specific functions are added to the central application for planning, controlling and subsequent review of promotions. New specific functions for improved business process support are to …
The effort required for the IT implementation of new trading products should be drastically reduced. To reach this target, the Endur implementation must be streamlined and simplified. In addition, the implementation of …
The project tasks include optimisation of simulations, conversion of the book structure, optimisation of the end-of-day process, upgrade Oracle DB v12 to v19, conversion of monitoring to a cloud solution, support in …
The customer would like to expand its LNG business and, to this end, support and document all relevant process steps in his IT Systems. The tasks include analysis, deal modelling and design …
The customer wants to introduce a hierarchical book structure. For this purpose, a lightweight and flexible solution will be provided. The solution supports the customer's data warehouse in addition to Endur. …
In the preparation of a restructuring of the system landscape for energy trading at the customer's site, a gap analysis with business stakeholders, other business analysts and the Endur team should detect …
Beforehand of the upcoming expiration of AVS support, all existing AVS scripts should be screened and grouped for migration. …
The customer wants to standardize the valuation of his trading products. The key to this are the following partial aspects: (1) Creation of a product concept or catalogue, (2) standardisation of the …
The Projekt tasks in the Endur context include the implementation of gas and electricity trading for Italy, modeling of temperature-dependent sales transactions, modeling of FX options, modeling of clean dark and spark …
The tasks in the ETRM (Endur) context are including analysis and mapping of LNG and gas supply contracts, mapping of back-to-back sales transactions, implementation of the DE/AT electricity market split, financial Henry …
Upgrade of the Oracle-DB, on which the standard software Endur 11 is based, from version 10 to 11. The tasks include analysis, coordination of activities with all parties involved, tests, DB optimisation …
The main goal of this project is to reduce test efforts significantly while increasing the test quality. At the same time, the initial hurdle for new team members is to be lowered …
For one of the world's largest insurers, a pilot to obtain asynchronous electronic customer signatures for additional documents is being designed and introduced. The asynchronous process allows the customer to sign the …
Support services are provided within the framework of the Microsoft Dynamics 365 platform provided on Azure. For this purpose, PTA provides a service organization based on ITIL 3. …
In the course of optimising the cooperation with the specialist partners, a mobile application is being developed in the area of fulfilment or system installation. PTA accompanies the complete project cycle from …
At a large German financial services provider, a grown SAP CRM landscape is being replaced by the introduction of the cloud-based SAP Customer Experience solution. In the course of this, the sales …
Development of a solution for automating end-to-end scenarios in a transport management system (TMS). …
A tool is being developed to support staff planning for customer projects. Up until now, planning is based on Excel files. The application has a web frontend which validates the entered data …
By introducing a test automation solution, the customer wants to increase the efficiency of his test activities as well as user satisfaction with regard to the applications used (web and mobile). PTA …

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Dr. Frank Gredel, ein Mann mit braunen Haaren

Dr. Frank Gredel

Head of Business Development

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