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XML e-mails

Project duration: 3 months

Brief description

Implementing an interface for receiving measurement data in XML format with the MS BizTalk technology. For incoming messages, a confirmation message and a success or error message is sent for further processing.


The BizTalk application listens to specific ports (POP3 and FTP) and extracts the XML content from the e-mail attachments (XML file or ZIP). The XML structure is validated against a configurable list of schemas. Then further checks are carried out, e.g. against the functional message type and whether the current message has been processed before. A reply structure is generated by XSL transformation and the original message is stored on the file system. The reply structure (XML file) is attached to the outgoing e-mail message. An SMTP port is used here. All the processing steps are logged in the database. This includes key information, such as the physical and logical sender, the logical message ID and the corresponding messages from processing.

Subject description

The application forms part of the data communication and it is necessary for accounting grid settlement. Replies to incoming messages from contractual partners must be generated and sent promptly and in such a way that the connection between the message and reply can be established.


Project period09.08.2010 - 31.10.2010

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Dr. Andreas Schneider, grauhaariger Mann mit Brille

Dr. Andreas Schneider

Head of Energy

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