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Workshop ALM-Tool SpiraTeam

Project duration: 1 month

Brief description

In a workshop with the customer (a software manufacturer) the Application Lifecycle Management (ALM)-Tool SpiraTeam was presented. The customers goal is to seperate the requirement and error management from GitLab. Customer-specific topics are integrated into the workshop and questions answered.


As part of an internal evaluation phase, the customer is looking for a cloud-based solution for the user-friendly management of their requirements, enhancement & change requests. An important part of this evaluation is the ability to bidirectionally snychronise the ALM tool and GitLab. PTA, as an Inflectra partner, presents SpiraTeam as a solution, because said synchronisation is possible using addons and plug-ins. Additionally, SpiraTeam enables the introduction of effective test management, which the customer plans to introduce in the future. The goal here is to document and lastingly test the implementation of software requirements.

Subject description

The customers intent is to improve their requirement, task, test and error management and to seperate it from the tool GitLab, which is used for source code management. Requirements, tasks, errors and tests can be easily created, changed and tracked via the different artefact types and their connections, visualisations and functions. Issues (bugs, enhancement and change requests) can be synchronised from GitLab to SpiraTeam to be specified there as requirements for example.


Project period01.05.2024 - 31.05.2024

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Portrait Herr Knudsen, Mann im Anzug

Ole Knudsen

Key Account Manager

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