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Web service for end-to-end testing of computer core calls

Project duration: 3 months

Brief description

Implementation of a test tool consisting of a web service and a client. The web service makes it possible to call the computer core for the life insurance division in order to test data provision and the actual computer core call within the JBoss application server. The client is used to call the web service with test data and to compare the return values against reference values.


Data provision and the computer core call are supported productively within a JBoss under Linux. To ensure error-free processing of the computer core calls in the live environment, especially in terms of crashed in the native part of the computer core, which is written in C++, a web service needs to be provided to enable targeted calling of data filling and the computer core. The web service itself does not contain any functionality, instead the entries are converted generically into contractual objects and forwarded to data provision and the computer core. In addition, a client is implemented to call the web service with test data and to compare the return against reference values. Both the web service and client are implemented in Java.

Subject description

Ensuring technical functioning (i.e. no crashes) and functional correctness by comparing results against reference values.


Project period01.10.2014 - 31.12.2014

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Joachim Schütter, ein Mann in einem Anzug

Joachim Schütter

Key Account Manager

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