Transport logistics system: reengineering the invoicing
Project duration: 3 years, 1 month
Brief description
Implementing the invoicing in the EuroMistral transport logistics system as a JAVA-based solution while taking into account the previous data structures. This solution should replace the existing C and Cobol programs.
The project has the following objectives: a system that is easier to maintain by replacing an obsolete and evolved software (in use since 1992); coexistent use of the new modules (example: invoicing using the new system and printing the documents using the old system); additionally outputting all invoice documents as XML data for downstream print management systems; storing the recorded selection results for audit-compliant research.
Subject description
The application is used by the billing departments of carriers. It has the following functions: customer invoicing, contractor settlement, costing-based invoicing, variable selection and totaling, value added tax rules according to new regulations, output of accounting data, output of the document data as XML files, output of document book data as XML files and electronic invoice data for data exchange.