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System integration of a tool for transaction monitoring in the energy trade

Project duration: 1 year, 3 months

Brief description

System integration of standard software for transaction monitoring in the area of REMIT (regulation on wholesale energy market integration and transparency) & MAR (market abuse regulation) in the energy trade. For monitoring, data is transferred from the REMIT reporting system and trade data from Trayport to the FerdecTS analysis tool. To do this, the results are converted and saved in an Oracle database. FerdecTS presents the results for users.


The standard software provides support in evaluating the transactions that a company carries out on the energy trading market. These transactions are investigated for abnormalities as defined by the REMIT and MAR regulations, e.g. in terms of suspected market manipulation. The evaluation is based on ACER XML documents from the REMIT reporting system or the RRM (Registered Reporting Mechanism) and trading data in XML format from Trayport GlobalVision API(SM). In the course of system integration, corresponding standard adapters are implemented in order to import the XML documents specified above. Other systems, e.g. a data warehouse, can be connected via a company-specific implementation.

Subject description

According to the REMIT and MAR regulations, companies are obligated to monitor their energy trading activities and proactively report any suspicious behavior. Without this type of transaction monitoring, infringements of these regulations can occur in the company without being noticed. If ACER requires information about the suspect transactions at a later time, the company is not prepared and faces heavy fines.


Project period18.07.2016 - 31.10.2017

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Dr. Andreas Schneider, grauhaariger Mann mit Brille

Dr. Andreas Schneider

Head of Energy

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