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Support for administrative applications in the power station (2017)

Project duration: 1 year

Brief description

Support and further development for a variety of existing IT applications for managing a power station in the field of individual software development. The applications, which are structured as desktop/intranet front ends, data transfer interfaces and (web) service applications, support organizational and functional administration processes. The primary customer benefit is in the harmonization/consolidation of the application landscape outside SAP and technical commercial management, as well as the use of standardized/quality-assured data sources.


As well as individual solutions for specialist department requirements, central applications, data storage and interfaces are developed further, maintained and monitored for the entire software landscape of the company. Particular attention here is paid to processing, consolidation, ensuring consistency and providing corporate master data (personal/system data). These activities are performed within the framework of ITIL implementation for the company.

Subject description

The applications support the areas of access management (central management of IT identifiers and user authorization), IT requests, personal data management, watch report for site security, preparedness planning and management, first-aid log of plant paramedics, providing material lists, logging periodic checks of technical components and reporting to authorities. Various interfaces between the individual systems and the company's IT core systems (SAP, technical asset management, TC systems, Windows infrastructure) and central IT services are developed further, supported and monitored automatically.

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Dr. Andreas Schneider, grauhaariger Mann mit Brille

Dr. Andreas Schneider

Head of Energy