Support and further development of a purchasing system III
Project duration: 2 years, 8 months
Brief description
Long-term support in the further development of applications in the area of purchasing systems of a food trading company.
Several applications and interfaces to further systems are maintained and further developed, supplemented by various reports and documents in the communication between purchasing and suppliers. In addition to the implementation of extensions and new functions, tests are also carried out. Development and testing are carried out on the basis of concepts and agile procedures. In addition, test data is created. Additionally to surface tests, backend tests are also carried out. The most important interfaces are data provision for third-party systems and communication with a document management system.
Subject description
The system is used to enter, maintain and display article data, vendor data, purchasing conditions, transport routes, and so on. The ultimate goal is the generation and archiving of contract documents and data for the food sector on an international level.