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Setup and creation of Microsoft Reporting Services for displaying test reports

Project duration: 2 months

Brief description

In the customer's own custom software, an inflexible solution for PDF display of data from chemical and physical test methods is to be replaced by product tests. The project includes integration and operation of Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) into the customer's existing IT landscape, as well as the implementation of a test report on the SSRS platform.


The test reports to be generated refer to data that is stored within an Oracle database. The source data is formatted and aggregated in the database so that it can be used in test report creation.  The following main tasks arise within the existing customer IT infrastructure: Design and development of the report layout. Loading of the relevant data from the Oracle DB via stored procedures implemented on an SQL server and their formatting for presentation in the report. Implementation of a frontend integrated with the customer's standard software for calling the report with transfer of the relevant parameters.

Subject description

In the customer's own custom software, an inflexible solution for PDF display of data from chemical and physical test methods is to be replaced by product tests. The SQL queries for determining the relevant display data are moved from the software to the database, from which the data for the test report are read dynamically at the runtime of the report rendering. The developed report also reads dynamic path information for test images from the customer intranet and shows the images behind the paths.


Project period01.03.2014 - 01.05.2014

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Portrait Herr Knudsen, Mann im Anzug

Ole Knudsen

Key Account Manager

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