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Server change

Project duration: 6 months

Brief description

Due to outdated hardware and the end of maintenance of the server operating systems (Windows Server 2008), a new setup of the central virtual environment with new hardware and a migration of the servers to current versions was commissioned from a local IT service provider. Within the scope of this project, a correction of structural implementation errors, a domain upgrade and an Exchange upgrade are also being carried out. The PTA is responsible for project management and technical quality assurance.


In this project, the parties involved, the customer (various departments), an IT service provider, two software manufacturers and the PTA are to be coordinated. The PTA checks the status and adherence to deadlines as well as the implementation of defined tasks. Furthermore, technical quality assurance is carried out in consultation with the customer and the IT service provider. This includes, among other things, the analysis of the ACTUAL status as well as the TARGET concept and the migration process. In addition, the PTA helps to solve technical and licensing issues.

Subject description

Project management includes the coordination of the project partners and ensuring the flow of information between them. For this purpose, a kick-off workshop and regular status telcos were moderated. In addition, technical suggestions are made to support the implementation of the client's requirements by the IT service provider.


Project period17.02.2020 - 31.08.2020

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Portrait Herr Knudsen, Mann im Anzug

Ole Knudsen

Key Account Manager

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