Support for an SAP R/3 system for the areas of sales, materials management and customer service. Administration and maintenance of authorizations. Job scheduling and system monitoring.
Support for a SAP R/3 system for the areas of sales, materials management and customer service for the sales companies in D, CH, F and A. Design and organization of a central authorization process. System monitoring (update function, establishing a tRfC connection, lock entries, processes, jobs) and escalation coordination in the event of system problems. Maintaining the necessary authorization roles. Support for follow-up work on system copies. Creation and maintenance of transactions. Support and organization for structuring an IT help desk with suitable support tools, administration, documentation management and reporting (KPIs). Involvement in project for merging three active production systems into one centralized production system.
Subject description
In addition to order processing and materials management, particular support is provided for processing service orders with the relevant areas. Authorizations are managed and maintained, and revised, in the case of system copies. Help is provided for setting up 2nd level support and IT employees in the service area are coached in processes and support organization and in authorization issues. User training courses are carried out.