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SAP BW: support and technical documentation

Project duration: 3 months

Brief description

Supporting the IT department at an energy supply company in technically documenting an existing planning application (implemented with SAP BW-BPS), as well as creating data warehouse prototypes for detailed specifications using SAP BW.


One support task is to create the technical documentation for an existing BPS application (Business Planning and Simulation module from SAP BW 3.5). Another task is to implement detailed specifications as prototypes in SAP BW. In addition to implementing the ETL process through to the info providers (BasisCubes and MultiProvider), this task includes implementing various queries with which end users can access data. The queries, in turn, are embedded in Excel work folders in which the data is post-processed using VBA macros.

Subject description

The planning application is used to enter planning data for planning measures and calculating forecasts. This data is re-extracted into the project system (SAP PS). The detailed specifications to be implemented shall be used to evaluate data from the SD/CS and PM SAP modules.


Project period02.06.2008 - 29.08.2008

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Dr. Andreas Schneider, grauhaariger Mann mit Brille

Dr. Andreas Schneider

Sector Manager Energy

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