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SAP BW: Rollout of QM for 8D reporting in Asia

Project duration: 2 months

Brief description

Rollout of a BW QM application for extracting, formatting and displaying 8D report data in Asia, taking local system considerations and data definitions into account.


The rollout includes the complete application, from implementation of the customer-specific extractors and standard extractors in the underlying SAP R/3 systems, through modeling and implementation of the data flow and local reporting in the regional BW, to integration into the existing data flows and reports for the global BW system. All technical tasks, from modeling, through implementation, to authorization management and process control, are carried out by PTA.

Subject description

An 8D report is a document that is exchanged during QM in the event of a complaint process between vendor and customer. 8D stands for the eight mandatory disciplines (process steps) to be followed when processing a complaint in order to overcome the underlying problem . An 8D report is therefore part of complaints management and is used for quality assurance at the vendor. (see For automotive suppliers, the 8D application is key component of QM, at both the global and regional levels.


Project period17.10.2016 - 31.12.2016

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Joachim Schütter

Key Account Manager

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