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SAP BW – Consumption of a REST Web API

Project duration: 10 months

Brief description

The OR data of a hospital is to be transferred to an OR management system for further evaluation via the implementation of a REST Web API. The data to be transferred is prepared in a Calculation View so that it can be processed via a CDS View. Strong authentication in the form of Auth 2.0 is used as the authentication component. The representation of the REST Web Services is done in JSON. The HTTP methods GET, POST and PUT were implemented for the REST Web Services.


The REST web services for the master data to realize the mapping of the hospital data into the OR management data, e.g. hospital, were determined via a web service test tool. At the end, the result of the processing is sent by mail.

Subject description

After the HIS (hospital information system) has transferred the data to an SAP BW, the OR data is transferred to an OR management system. The department can perform further evaluations via the OR management system.


Project period01.02.2022 - 30.11.2022

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Portrait Herr Knudsen, Mann im Anzug

Ole Knudsen

Key Account Manager

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