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SAP BI: New system landscape design and architecture phase

Brief description

The existing system landscape is being raised to the next generation. The central component is the move to S/4 HANA. The existing SAP BW on HANA will continue to be operated and a new BW/4 HANA and SAP Datasphere will be set up in parallel Greenfield. The details for this are to be defined in the project. PTA provides support and advice.


Due to the changing functional data structures and technical connections in almost all important source systems, a modified distribution of logic and responsibilities between the systems must be designed. In particular, it must be determined at present and over time which applications will be located directly in the Datasphere, which in BW/4, which in the existing BW on HANA and for how long and in what scope.

Subject description

The main technical challenge is to synchronize the projects taking place in parallel and at their own pace in the source systems with the BI roadmap. Competing access to resources and complex dependencies from the respective milestone planning are important framework conditions for the project environment.


Project start01.05.2024

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