A customer-specific archiving is carried out in a SAP ERP 6.0. In addition to archiving 'normal' SAP documents such as purchase orders, sales documents, BANFs, accounting documents, etc., the main aim is to archive WBS elements and CO orders. The 'normal' SAP documents reference the WBS elements or CO orders. However, only WBS elements or CO orders that no longer have dependent documents that cannot be archived can be archived. For this reason, the process is controlled by many customer-specific programs.
Here the additions to the project 4366 should be considered. However, the customer's own archive object YMM_EKKO is no longer used. Instead, an attempt was made to make purchase orders archivable using a customer-specific program.
Subject description
Since the business processes are essentially handled in projects, the archiving of all dependent objects is controlled by the status of the projects and CO orders. controlled. Only data belonging to completed projects may be archived. For so-called 'long-running' projects, all related postings remain in the online system. Regular archiving is required, since account assignment objects are assigned speaking numbers in which the last digit of the year is used.