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Robot-controlled process automation

Project duration: 4 months

Brief description

Automation of frequently repetitive processes by computer-controlled usage of GUI interfaces to reduce unnecessary human expense per process step.


Business analysis of existing processes focusing on customer service to automate standard processes. Performing of Analysis workshops and create specification documents in preparation of the automation implementation process.

Subject description

Key users in the area of customer service – across 3 countries (DE, AT, CH) – have a decisive influence on the creation of documents. They have the technical responsibility for the correctness of the specification and accept these documents before passing them on to the implementer. Overall responsibility lies internally with the IT department in Germany. Since all 3 countries share the costs via a defined key, the financial responsibility always lies with the cost center managers in the respective country, which is why the implementation was specifically requested in advance. The responsibility of the PTA is limited to the creation of the actual documents (specification and test documentation) according to the current standard as well as the internal project management for the implementers.


Project period17.07.2018 - 01.11.2018

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