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Requirements engineering for a sales tool

Brief description

Further development of software for supporting customer advisory services in the insurance sector. The project involves support for the concretization of technical specifications, drafting the basic architecture, implementation, and testing. The application provides an overview of the entire insurance portfolio. The customer and representative go through this together with the aid of standardized questions, identify any possible gaps in coverage, and determine the need for insurance products.


The main focus of the design and implementation of the application is on modern user interfaces, a high level of user-friendliness, interactivity, and hardware independence. The object oriented JavaScript framework Cappuccino is therefore being used for the implementation. An important project goal is the integration of the consulting software in the existing CRM system. This includes both integration in the workflow of the consultation process and central storage of the data collected and used. The collected data is mainly information about the life situation of the consultancy client and his existing insurance cover. This context-specific data is entered together with the customer and enables optimum consultancy results from the customer's point of view.

Subject description

The customer orientation is an essential success factor in the context of selling insurance products and in cross-selling. With the IT-based consultancy instrument, customers and brokers work together on product priorities which are tailored to the customer's individual life situation. In addition to the questionnaire on the individual categories, the basis is provided by a wealth of background information about the risks to be covered and the appropriate products. The underlying workflow is kept flexible, so that aspects can be added or omitted at any time during the consultation. Besides improving the quality of the consultation, this leads to higher efficiency and a smaller expenditure of time for the consultant. With the customer's agreement, all the information recorded during the meeting can be documented in electronic form.

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