Recording advertising permission for communication channels level 1
Project duration: 7 months
Brief description
Implementation of an option for recording customer declarations regarding Article 7, UWG (Act Against Unfair Competition). This enables the beneficiary of the insurance contract to decide for or against specific communication channels that can be used for promotional purposes.
The customer declarations are recorded using a form, the structure and content of which is determined in multiple iterations. The insurance agent can enter the desired promotional use in this form. The document is stored together with the associated electronic signature on the agent's system, from where it is sent to the insurance company.
Subject description
To better administer the interests of the beneficiaries of contracts in terms of the use of communication channels for broadcasting advertising, it is important to provide a suitable set of instruments. This should enable the beneficiary of the contract to specify preferences regarding how he or she receives promotional material (e.g. telephone, email) or not, as the case may be. Independently of the requirements of Article 7 of the UWG, the beneficiary of the contract can explicitly prohibit the use of a communication channel.