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Quality assurance development

Project duration: 3 months

Brief description

Concept for improving the quality of the software development process for web applications based on .NET technology. The core task is to formulate development guidelines and consider the ALM (application lifecycle management). The focus for this latter task is on the subject of release management.


The software quality and the quality of the software development process are improved on two different levels. On the one level, specific guidelines are formulated for developing web applications with MS Visual Studio 2005. This includes naming conventions, statements about organizing the source code and programming practices. Added to this, a series of tools are recommended for supporting concrete development in the Visual Studio, e.g. Snipp Dogg, Resource Refactoring and Style Cop. The other level is concerned with ALM issues. The includes formulating a release process, build management and the introduction or clear separation of different environments (e.g. development, testing, production).

Subject description

Maintenance costs for software products, customer satisfaction and employee satisfaction in software development are often closely correlated with the quality of software or its development processes. If, for example, there are no guidelines for software development, searching for the cause of a problem and then rectifying that problem can take a relatively long time when the software is of low quality. As a consequence, customer and processor satisfaction fall and maintenance costs rise. Stability and high availability for applications – coupled with short troubleshooting times and rapid further development – are based, in part, on clearly defined procedures throughout a piece of software's entire life cycle. In the course of the project, weak points in the ALM are identified, target states are defined for these and control measures are proposed.


Project period19.10.2009 - 31.01.2010

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Marcus Rödiger, ein Mann mit braunen Haaren und Brille

Marcus Rödiger

Head of Consumer Goods & Retail

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