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Provider switch

Project duration: 10 months

Brief description

The "Provider switch" project implements the requirements of the Federal Network Agency (BNA), which require a switching of DSL customers between providers. The project implements the switch from A to B (export) and from B to A (import). The task of the project is to implement the components of the provider switch required in the Clarify CRM system. The planned application provides the corresponding dialogs and the processes in the backend for export and import. It implements communication (e.g. with the order management system via Oracle Advanced Queuing (OAQ)), uses different Web services for processing specific functions, and saves the provider switch data in Clarify business objects. The project comprises definition of the requirements in the form of use case models and use case descriptions, design of the application using UML, implementation of the application and system test.


The technical basis for the "provider changeover" is the CRM Clarify system. The required dialogs are implemented with the classic Clarify client (ClearBasic). The required workflows are implemented with the Clarify component 'Process Manager'. The 'Process Manager' allows the definition of workflows that are processed on an automated basis, depending on an object (case). The process is designed so that it will react to the activation of a specific status set in the screen, as well as to certain time events (waiting time expired, changeover date reached, etc.). The business logic is implemented with Java objects that are called via corresponding services from the 'Process Manager'. The Java objects access the Clarify Business Objects (CBO) in order to reflect the required business logic.

Subject description

Because of the regulations of the Bundesnetzagentur (BNA – German Federal Network Agency), telecommunications companies must give DSL customers the option to switch from one provider to another. The interface to be supported is described in detail. The Clarify CRM system uses this interface to process the provider switch


Project period01.04.2006 - 31.01.2007

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Portrait Herr Knudsen, Mann im Anzug

Ole Knudsen

Key Account Manager

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