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Product Owner for contact master data module

Project duration: 2 months

Brief description

In the module-based system there are many different modules, all of which require contact data management. This contact master data module thus combines all functionalities necessary for the management of contacts (internal and external persons, companies) and the implementation of DSGVO functions. As product owner, the PTA writes the business concept and creates the corresponding user stories, which prepare the implementation.


The technical concept contains the technical background as well as the goals and the delimitation of the module. Furthermore, the functional requirements are described via use cases. The non-functional requirements are classified into the basic values of information security according to the BSI standard 200-2. The PTA conducts regular workshops with the client and the technical experts as part of the preparation of the functional specifications.

Subject description

The module Contact Master Data takes over the administration of all contact data in an openKONSEQUENZ installation. That means it synchronizes with the users of the Auth&Auth module and, if required, with the company LDAP. Furthermore, it manages all persons and companies required in the user modules. The module Contact Master Data is thus the central place for managing contacts and personal data in an openKONSEQUENZ installation. Accordingly, all legal requirements of the DSGVO are implemented in this module.


Project period02.09.2019 - 15.11.2019

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Dr. Andreas Schneider, grauhaariger Mann mit Brille

Dr. Andreas Schneider

Head of Energy

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