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Product definition: specification of a diagnostic instrument

Project duration: 2 years, 2 months

Brief description

A clear definition of a product is essential to targeted product implementation. A PTA product definition team (PDT) creates the scoping in the customer's organization, together with the entire requirements documentation for a project. Particularly in the case of collaborations with external project partners, the customer is dependent on high quality documentation that is provided in good time by the PTA PDT.


The product definition team provides requirements documentation from a single source. This includes identifying the relevant topics with responsible contact persons (stakeholders), developing the core functions, and communicating these functions in workshops, in order to reach all contact persons.

Subject description

The system is conceptually decomposed into subsystems for the actual requirements documentation, and the individual subsystems are then examined and described. In addition, suitable change management processes are prepared for the project; these function both for the customer and for the customer's external partners. Furthermore, we offer to organize and provide the requirements documents for the customer, and to organize and distribute other documents and project-related information.


Project period01.08.2016 - 30.09.2018

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Portrait Herr Knudsen, Mann im Anzug

Ole Knudsen

Key Account Manager

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