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Process design for an agile procedure model

Project duration: 2 months

Brief description

In the course of this project, an agile procedure model is developed for organizing and optimizing a software development process. The process is based on the agile SCRUM and Crystal processes. The procedure model is suitable for small and medium-sized projects. Another aim of the project is to develop strategies for introducing the process and phasing out change management.


The process is modeled on the basis of UML activity diagrams. Above all, this simplifies the generation of the corresponding process documentation. Furthermore, questions from the customer are formatted in the form of problem decision plans and solution matrices.

Subject description

The aim is to shorten lead times while simultaneously improving the product quality, for both new project and for maintenance projects. The projects mainly involve Java applications based on the Java Enterprise Edition. The current procedure is principally based on classic procedure models, which are now to be replaced by an agile process. In the course of the project, the existing organizational situation has to be mapped to the agile process world.


Project period09.10.2006 - 01.12.2006

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Joachim Schütter, ein Mann in einem Anzug

Joachim Schütter

Key Account Manager

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