Process analysis and documentation in an insurance company
Project duration: 5 months
Brief description
Customer support in analyzing internal processes. The processes make it possible to deliver specific figures in a specific quality from units so that they can then be processed further. To do so, the processes have to be reconciled and discussed with the individual units and a general understanding has to be reached. In addition, the different processes are described in detail in a guideline. The increased granularity of this documentation makes it necessary, in turn, to discuss all subprocesses with each individual process owner, obtain the owner's agreement or clear up any conflicts.
The MS Office software is primarily used for analysis, documentation and presentation of the processes. The aim is to provide project managers with the support they need to fulfill their duties as efficiently as possible.
Subject description
The benefit to the customer is, above all, improved working efficiency. As the consultant is at a certain distance from the actual job at hand, process conflicts can be identified promptly and discussed specifically. Over the course of time, the individual parts of a process change slightly. All parts of the processes therefore have to be continuously checked for consistency within the relevant process and between processes.