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POCT software for requirements engineering

Project duration: 5 months

Brief description

An existing software solution for POCT (point-of-care testing) devices is to be enhanced for the American market and the associated regulatory requirements.


Two different main tasks must be considered for the project: subsequent documentation of existing functionality and recording of new customer requirements collected in product workshops. HP Quality Center is the management tool used to store written requirements together with mockups and printscreens created in Visual Studio. The recorded requirements are then checked and refined with developers and software testers. The V-model is used as the procedural model.

Subject description

The use of Point of Care devices (POC) in the hospital environment is becoming increasingly important. Due to the use of software in hospitals both domestically and abroad, these are under heavy scrutiny from authorities. This includes verifying trackable requirements management. The requirements described in the specifications document must be clearly documented (and trackable) from implementation in the source code to the test. The customer is supported with the establishment of this process.


Project period01.08.2011 - 31.12.2011

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Portrait Herr Knudsen, Mann im Anzug

Ole Knudsen

Key Account Manager

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