Planning tool maintenance and further development IV
Project duration: 1 year
Brief description
Further development of an existing application for planning all insurance business (project ID 2657). Planning of business cases at any level of detail meets the US GAAP invoice submission specifications and the determination of group-internal key figures. In this project, existing processes are further optimized, visualized and automatized.
Initialization process steps that were previously made manually (loading data from global repository) are supported and partially automated with new host services. A new GUI controls the remaining manual steps and visualizes the progress of the entire process.
Subject description
For quarterly planning, the planning tool is provided to the users within a specific time window. Due to the global deployment, 24/7 availability must be ensured during this period. Data for existing contracts is made available from the posting system. Individual contracts can be created, canceled or deleted using the planning tool. Planning of the contracts aggregated into portfolios is divided into three parts. The user can correct the current status manually. With different parameters that each define a business case, percentage changes to the bonuses, costs and losses are presented from which the additional key figures can be calculated. Finally, it is also possible to make targeted adjustments. Pivot evaluations are used to visualize planning. Die returned planning data are the basis for economic valuation and the calculation of key figures based on the US-GAAP standard.