Designing and implementing the optimization of existing letterhead management for the agency management and information system. In addition to adjusting the letter header to the current legal guidelines, the focus is on improving user friendliness by offering an option for editing in the WYSIWYG style.
The applications are implemented, along with the necessary logic, on the relevant user interfaces with Delphi and in Object Pascal. All the data needed for letterhead management is stored in a Sybase SQL Anywhere database.
Subject description
In addition to numerous other elements, a standardized letterhead for all representatives is a key component of corporate design. The existing letterhead management in the agency management and information system is revised and a WYSIWYG editing option is created; this represents a major improvement to the corporate communication process and to user convenience. The revised letterhead management includes all the earlier editing functions (create new, change, delete). This also involves adjusting the letterheads themselves to the legal guidelines for signing business letters. The option of entering agency-specific information, such as office hours or representative data, remains available.