Optimization and extension of a monitoring portal for software products in diagnostics
Brief description
The customer sells various IT products used in diagnostics worldwide. To continuously monitor the functionality and up-to-dateness of these products, an internal monitoring tool is used by the customer service agents and product managers. During this project the monitoring is extended to a further product and more parameters. An optimization of the tool's usability is another part the project.
First, the status quo as well as the existing algorithm are analyzed and documented in Wiki articles, so this information is also available for the customer's project team. Based on the output of the analysis, the algorithm is adapted to process additional parameters to be monitored. In order to extend the monitoring to another product, the assessment and documentation of use cases and the development of a new UI is necessary. A general analysis of the existing tool regarding usability and data integrity reveals additional points needing an optimization, which is done successively. The goal is a simplification of access and an enhancement of comprehensibility for the end user. After all requested changes have been implemented by the customer's project team, the validation of functionality and end user testing are conducted.
Subject description
An existing monitoring tool needs to be extended in functionality and tailored to better fit the end user's needs.