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Operational Redesign of a software for LIS configuration data migration

Project duration: 1 year, 1 month

Brief description

To support about 3000 migrations from different legacy laboratory information systems (LIS) towards a strategic product of the customer, 5000 – 25000 configuration values need to be transferred per scenario. Aim of the project is the adaption of the existing solution to reflect the technical and domain specific changes of the target system as well as a fundamental improvement of the performance constraint by a restrictive technical framework and an existing database technology.


Beside the complex domain specific adaption of configuration mappings, challenging requests regarding value based user interface logic are scope of the project. Additionally, PTA is asked for support in two dimensions, at first implementing the technical solution, but also to suggest solutions for several migration specific topics. The project is exclusively run by PTA within an iterative approach and following strictly the ISO 62304 Guideline and the respective SOP managed by PTA.

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Portrait Herr Knudsen, Mann im Anzug

Ole Knudsen

Key Account Manager

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