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Online shop: Cancelation process for third-party processing in SAP Retail

Project duration: 8 months

Brief description

A process is to be developed and implemented for canceling third-party deliveries (deleting items or reducing quantities) resulting from customer orders in the online shop. It needs to be taken into account that the goods may already have been picked by the supplier. In this case, a cancelation must no longer be possible and it must instead be handled as a return.


If the end customer wishes to change the order (and therefore the associated third-party order item), the system must first check whether picking of the item has already begun. This can be identified on the basis of confirmation postings. To enable this, the return interface from the supplier is extended so that picking confirmations no longer take place at the header level but instead at the item level, as confirmation at the header level would be too late. Only if this is not the case, the third-party order item may first be altered and then, downstream, the order may be altered. In the event of a cancelation, the final delivery indicator must be set in the purchase order item and the order item is refused. In the event of a quantity reduction, both the purchase order item and the order item are reduced to the new quantities. The supplier is informed of the changes via the interface.

Subject description

The order quantity changes/cancelations should be changed by customer service and communicated to SAP via customer service's front end. The communication from the front end that an order quantity change or a cancelation is to be executed in SAP Retail only takes place once this has been clarified by all parties (customer, supplier) via customer service. The customer order therefore needs to be adapted at the item and/or quantity level (if this is possible in the same way as for the supplier orders). The IDoc message type PORDCH (change purchase order) is used in the incoming area (from the front end) for order quantity changes or cancelations. This IDoc message type enables quantity changes and cancelations (setting a delete indicator) in a relatively easy way and with reduced IDoc scope. These purchase order changes also need to be forwarded to the customer order item; i.e. for quantity changes, the order quantity has to be adapted and for cancelations, the order item has to be refused.


Project period02.04.2016 - 30.11.2016

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Marcus Rödiger, ein Mann mit braunen Haaren und Brille

Marcus Rödiger

Head of Consumer Goods & Retail

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