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Multi-platform connection of computer core

Brief description

Structuring a new inventory system for insurance contracts involves implementing an access layer on a central computer core. This access layer has to be implemented so that it can be called by clients and processes that are installed on different platforms. This guarantees that enhancements to the scope of services on the individual layers can take place independently of each other.


The most process-oriented implementation and division of tasks possible is based on an agile process model. The provision of functions for several technical environments (e.g. Unix, Windows, mainframe, cloud) requires a platform-neutral coding. The test tool for the access layer has rich functions for testing through concept creation. It allows developers to test the access layer on different platforms. The development is also supported by a high-performance test driver, which allows regression tests with a large number of test cases in a short time. The functionalities for serialization and deserialization of the test case format are extended and also used when addressing the access layer via services. Quality assurance is significantly supported by regression tests with a high degree of coverage and permanent monitoring of memory management.

Subject description

The technical revision of the business processes required in the new inventory system must be mapped in the access layer to the calculation kernel, whereby in certain technical areas the logic of the calculation kernel is also mapped directly in the access layer. The main business areas are the reinstatement of non-contributory contracts, partial contribution payments, loans on endowment life insurance policies, and the option of temporarily creating capital from contracts that are ready for disbursement. In addition, there are functions for pension equalization, i.e. the distribution of investments acquired in partnerships, and the generation of basic data for contract terms and conditions and clauses. Further tasks relate to the processes in the company pension scheme, the technical portfolio management and the tax environment. The development of diagnostic tools for the isolated execution of technical process steps is designed and implemented and supported by a permanent monitoring of storage management.


Project start23.09.2013

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