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Modular human resource management application

Brief description

An existing modular web application for human resource management and company organization will be reimplemented for the client and the client's existing customers will be migrated to this new software. PTA assumed all roles within the project implementation.


The new web application is based on Blazor in combination with Entity Framework Core and a Mediator pattern. The application consists of different modules, which the client can distribute to his customers in different constellations. The software will be fully localized. The PTA is responsible for all the work done during the project: Project management, requirement engineering, documentation and implementation.

Subject description

With this application, the customer can manage personnel (view and maintain master data, provide and manage documents for employees, create and maintain goals and development activities for each employee), define, prepare and conduct performance reviews. External reviewers can be involved in the performance review process. As part of the company organization, the customer can use the application to define and maintain role profiles and positions, assign them to employees, and create and maintain company organizational charts. Certain data is graphically processed on a dashboard and presented to the user to visualize various aspects. There is an administration area within the software.

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Joachim Schütter, ein Mann in einem Anzug

Joachim Schütter

Key Account Manager

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