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Modernization of a tool management and dispensing system

Brief description

As part of the customer's IT strategy, important IT systems based on MS Access that are required over a longer period of time are to be converted to modern technologies. The existing Access application for managing and issuing tools is to be replaced by a modern intranet solution based on .Net 8 with MS SQL Server as data storage. The new development of this application was coordinated in advance by us in a separate concept phase together with the users with regard to the current requirements. In addition to the goal of technological modernization, the application should also offer modern approaches in the area of visualization and operation according to customer requirements and optimally support the technical processes. The application includes the management and rental of tools. The previous scope of the application has been expanded to include additional technical functionalities as well as extensive master data maintenance to improve data consistency and up-to-dateness.


The application is designed as a .Net 8 web application with a model-view-controller structure. The JavaScript component AgGrid is used to display the tabular information. The central task of the application is the maintenance and rental of tools. To be able to borrow tools, the customer identifies himself using his employee card. The card readers of the issuing computers are monitored in the background via a console application created in .NET 8. Registered events are communicated to the .NET 8 web application. Based on the previous conception of the application, the work carried out includes all activities of the developmental implementation of the application, regular coordination with the specialist department to clarify detailed questions and to support the users during testing, right up to the handover to future operation. The collaboration between the specialist department and PTA is handled via a joint board in the Azure DevOps server of IT.

Subject description

The IT system should efficiently cover the existing technical processes of a tool management system with several distributed locations. In particular, this includes the management of item lending processes and their organizational monitoring and maintenance. In addition, the application offers a range of different exports in PDF format for the documentation of items and loan processes, as well as goods receipt slips and a form for private loans. In addition, a self-disclosure function is offered, which enables every employee to view their current and completed lending processes.

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Dr. Andreas Schneider, grauhaariger Mann mit Brille

Dr. Andreas Schneider

Head of Energy

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