In the migration phase of the existing SAP IS-U system to an existing target systemt, during which time the SAP systems are temporarily unavailable, data that accrues in the customer center is collected in a temporary application. When the migration phase ends, this data is forwarded to the target system. Data recording is to be structured (in the same way as the SAP IS-U business processes) and user-friendly.
An MS Access application is installed at each workstation and the customer data that accrues for each business process can be decentrally collected in this application. The recorded data can be backed up on a centralized drive for security reasons. At the end of the migration phase, the data from all the workstations is merged in a centralized Access database. Administrators can view this data, which can also be exported in the form of Excel files, in order to forward these to interfaces for the SAP system.
Subject description
The application is used in the customer settlement area; in other words, it involves typical processes in the energy sector, such as meter readings, account information, registrations and deregistrations, etc. The following functions are available in the MS Access application: overview screen for navigation: entering general data, selecting business process, calling the editing screen for the particular business process. There is one editing screen for each business process (entering both existing data in the SAP information system and new data to be recorded). Search screen for navigating to business processes that have already been entered, with a call of the relevant editing screen. Search screen for navigating to all of a user's recorded business processes, in order to later manually transfer this data to the new production system (read mode only).