In line with the 'cloud-first' IT strategy, the central web services for electronic signatures in exclusive sales are migrated to the Group's own cloud infrastructure as part of a comprehensive migration project.
The two services to be migrated serve as central instances for all sales systems of the Society for Electronic Signing and are operated on a platform that is to be decommissioned after successful migration of all artifacts contained therein into the cloud. The tasks include IT coordination, coordination with information security and higher-level project management, quality assurance of the cloud application, coordination with the consumers of the services as well as rollout planning and implementation.
Subject description
The expansion of the IT architecture to include cloud solutions forms the basis for digitization in the company and increases the productivity and efficiency of IT processes. Migration improves the availability, security, scalability and cost efficiency of IT services, thereby promoting the growth potential of all IT structures. The duration of the overall migration project is approximately 4 years.