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Migration of system interfaces

Project duration: 11 months

Brief description

Existing system interfaces based on classic .NET frameworks are to be technically harmonized on the current .NET Core platform.


The affected interface landscape between SAP, IT management, technical business management and TC systems and individual solutions has been developed and maintained for several years. As a result, heterogeneous solutions have emerged over time in terms of technological processes and methodological approaches, which are to be brought together on a uniform and modern platform. Existing software libraries, e.g. for communication via FTP or LDAP as well as for central logging, will also be converted to .NET Core as part of the work.

Subject description

The advantages of technological standardization are expected to be medium- to long-term savings in system support. In addition, the use of modern technologies and methods is expected to realize potentials in improving processing speed.


Project period01.02.2021 - 31.12.2021

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Dr. Andreas Schneider, grauhaariger Mann mit Brille

Dr. Andreas Schneider

Head of Energy