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Migration and international rollout of the quotation assistant

Project duration: 8 months

Brief description

An existing interface function between SAP and MS Word is to be modularized in such a way that an international group of companies can include the function in its standard template. The various international companies (China, Switzerland) will be provided with user exits that enable the interface to be individualized according to the specific local quoting requirements in MS Word.


The interface is to be activated from ABAP objects. The MS Word functions will be packaged and provided with additional functions. MS Word will be used only functionally. All the logic and controlling for the quoting will be implemented in SAP. Users can only save their Word documents locally if they have the appropriate authorization in SAP. The solution is based on the inside-out concept. The database for SAPscript and MS Word will be standardized.

Subject description

Flexible quotation preparation in MS Word should be possible all around the world. The quotations must be stored in SAP and versioned. Despite this, the companies in the different countries must be able to implement regional market particularities in SAP user exits (functional requirements). The basic technology connecting SAP and MS Word will be maintained centrally in the IT headquarters (technical requirement). Unicode conversion for Chinese quotations represents a special feature. The database for SAPscript and MS Word should be harmonized.


Project period01.08.2004 - 31.03.2005

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Portrait Herr Knudsen, Mann im Anzug

Ole Knudsen

Key Account Manager

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