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Migrating packaging specifications to a document management

Project duration: 1 year, 4 months

Brief description

Consultancy services in a project for migrating packaging specifications from the QM module in SAP R/3 to a document management system with an interface to


For strategic reasons, the packaging specifications are no longer managed within SAP but instead are outsourced to a GMP-compliant document management system based on the FirstDoc Solution Suite, which utilizes the Document Content Management Application. The design and structure of the specifications have to be altered in the process. The document management system provides mySAP ERP with the latest data about approved or cancelled specifications via an interface.

Subject description

Packaging specifications are used by the customer to provide its suppliers of packaging materials (e.g. folded boxes, cut-outs, inserts, labels) with legally binding requirements regarding how the packaging is to be procured. Comprehensive specifications are managed and referenced to the SAP material master level in a document management system, at the level of packaging groups. The data received from the document management system about the linked specifications (status, version, start of validity) is included in the SAP ordering process. The software environment is validated.


Project period02.05.2006 - 31.08.2007

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Ole Knudsen

Key Account Manager

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