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Master data maintenance for commission settlement

Project duration: 3 years, 5 months

Brief description

Several modules are developed in this project that add functionality to the Microsoft Dynamics CRM System. The modules are used to maintain customer data and to create and maintain different hierarchies (customer, product and sales structures).


Master data maintenance is based on three-layer architecture consisting of a Microsoft Silverlight-based Rich Internet Client, an application server on .Net Basis and an SQL 2008 database server. Windows communication foundation Web services are used to enable communication between the client and the application server. As well as the database, the application server uses additional Web services as data sources, especially to connect with the Microsoft Dynamics CRM System. The server is developed in C# based on the .Net 3.5 framework, while development of the RIA client is based on Silverlight 3.0.

Subject description

This project creates administration and maintenance options for CRM structures and lists as an important component of an operational CRM system. The most important application cases for structure maintenance are customer structures and sales area allocations to customers and employees. These are then used in analytical CRM to allocate revenues to the corresponding distribution chains, partly to calculate remuneration of field sales personnel. Application cases for list processing are action lists for maintaining customer attributes and annual planning rounds for field sales personnel. The CRM basic functionality, which mainly operates on a transaction-specific basis, must be given further processing options.


Project period01.11.2008 - 30.03.2012

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Portrait Herr Knudsen, Mann im Anzug

Ole Knudsen

Key Account Manager

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