Maintenance and operation of a web-based information system in insurance sales
Brief description
PTA is responsible for the maintenance and operation of an information system used in insurance sales. The application enables the user to query key figures and statistics and use them for controlling purposes in insurance sales. It is a web application that runs in the cloud.
The application uses Java in the back end and JavaServer Pages in the front end. It runs on Amazon Web Services (AWS) using RedHat OpenShift and Pivotal Cloud Foundry as container platform. An ORACLE database is used for report configuration. Monitoring tools such as Grafana and Dynatrace are used to ensure operation and to quickly solve upcoming incicents. The PTA ensures the operation of the application and, in case of problems, takes care of troubleshooting and error management, but also of technical adjustments in case of business changes or technical migrations.
Subject description
Users from insurance sales can use customized reports to obtain information on new business, business targets, portfolio development and cancellations. This is possible at different levels of the sales structure and over different periods of time.