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Java batch processing to generate interest and dividend payment documents

Project duration: 4 months

Brief description

Implementation of a Java batch program that generates XML-based SEPA documents of interest and dividend payment for EBICS transfer. The PayCash standard software is loaded with this output, doing its EBICS transport as well.


The banking industry's EBICS standard is applied to generate XML-based SEPA payment documents which serve as exchange documents. The prerequisite is a one-time JAXB-generated Java object model of the SEPA Credit Transfer XSD. The loosely coupled service architecture of this batch program operates on that model, implementing both a dividend and interest payment document service. Depending on start parameters, billing types / subtypes, output parameters and settings the top-level service methods are called multiple times to generate various SEPA-EBICS XML documents via JAXB marshalling including checksum output files.

Subject description

The new batch replaces a previous COBOL implementation whose output consists of a tabular, plain text list representation, which no longer meets today's requirements of digital transferability for financial / banking data between different and distributed software systems.


Project period01.04.2016 - 31.07.2016

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