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IT system for managing corporate risks

Project duration: 9 months

Brief description

The solution prepared as part of a preliminary concept is implemented as an intranet application for managing business risks. The existing management (Excel) of entrepreneurial risks and opportunities in the context of dismantling industrial plants will be replaced by a .Net 6 intranet application with MS SQL Server as data storage. The new software solution will significantly improve technical processes, responsibilities and authorisations as well as evaluation options. Particular attention will be paid to the standardisation and validation of the data to be recorded. To this end, extensive technical validations and input checks are used to provide targeted support to application users when recording and evaluating business risks and opportunities. An overview of the development over time and the option to export the data in various forms facilitates the subsequent evaluation and further processing of the data.


The application is designed as an ASP.Net 6 web application with a model-view-controller structure. The JavaScript component AgGrid is used to visualise the risks and opportunities listed in tables. SQL Server temporal tables are used to track the temporal development of recorded risks and opportunities. This ensures comprehensive historisation through the data storage itself. Building on the previous conceptualisation of the application, the work carried out includes all activities relating to the developmental implementation of the application, regular coordination with the specialist department to clarify detailed questions and to support users during testing, right through to the handover to future operations. The collaboration between the specialist department and PTA is handled via a joint board in the Azure DevOps server of IT.

Subject description

The underlying dismantling work is valued at more than EUR 100 million. The associated corporate financial, strategic, operational and compliance risks are to be managed efficiently and cost-effectively with the IT solution designed. Access control and authorisation management via central IT systems, monitoring and integration into the existing ITSM processes offer extensive possibilities for improving security and process support. The extensive validations during data collection, the mathematical processing of the data and the options for exporting and further processing the data should significantly support the preparations for the project review and the preparation of the quarterly reports in future.

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Dr. Andreas Schneider, grauhaariger Mann mit Brille

Dr. Andreas Schneider

Head of Energy

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