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IT Risk Management – Protection Requirements Analysis for IDV' s

Project duration: 6 months

Brief description

With the help of the IDV-Organizer (IDV = Individual data processing) the customer is enabled to evaluate, recognize and document potential dangers by individually created software (here Excel applications). In the event of an identified hazard, the application creates a catalogue of measures and controls their implementation.


The IDV-Organizer is a tool created by PTA for the administration of office-based smaller applications (usually MS Access or MS Excel).

Subject description

Requirements for risk minimisation in MaRisk include the recognition, evaluation and implementation of measures for system-relevant IDVs. The Minimum Requirements for Risk Management (BA), abbreviated to MaRisk (BA), are administrative instructions published in a circular from the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) for the design of risk management in German credit institutions (Source: (BA)).


Project period03.10.2016 - 31.03.2017

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