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Integration of requirements as per Article 74 EEG 2014 into the EEG Internet portal

Project duration: 6 months

Brief description

The EEG Internet portal enables all the participating business partners (distribution system operators and EltVUs) to report, in a structured and electronic form, the extensive information required by the transmission grid operators in order to implement the Renewable Energy Act (EEG) so that this information can then be processed securely and efficiently by the transmission grid operators. The 2014 amendment to the EEG requires, in Article 74, that the transmission grid operators provide a standardized, fully automated interface to enable EltVUs to fulfill their legal reporting duties. To achieve this, the four German transmission grid operators provide a joint web service. All information reported using this new web service has to be synchronized with the information in the EEG Internet portal.


The EEG Internet portal is based on Java and consists of two components that exchange information exclusively using web services. The persistent data are then saved to an Oracle database via a persistence framework.

Subject description

Both authentication in order to use the new 'Article 74 web service' and all the checking and processing of the data reported using this service then take place in the EEG Internet portal. This involves specific functional check functions, as well as functions for uploading and checking certificates, and functions for checking the signature of the digitally signed data reported using the web service. This makes it possible to synchronize the data reported using the new web service with data that was previously entered via the portal, and the two means of reporting can both continue to be used. In addition, comprehensive structural adjustments are made to the portal.


Project period01.07.2015 - 31.12.2015

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Dr. Andreas Schneider, grauhaariger Mann mit Brille

Dr. Andreas Schneider

Head of Energy

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