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Formatting Word templates for SharePoint

Project duration: 1 year, 4 months

Brief description

The project is intended to make working with the Word application easier for the customer's employees. PTA implements Word templates for the customer that are automatically filled with master and project data from SharePoint and the Active Directory. This way, employees can concentrate on the content of their documents.


PTA writes a new macro for the Word templates (Visual Basic for Applications) to enable a connection to SharePoint 2013 and extract data from the Active Directory. PTA is responsible for the entire implementation, i.e. from the requirements analysis, through development, to testing. The use of these templates throughout Switzerland means that the templates have to be created in German, French, Italian and English.

Subject description

The customer's employee is en route to a construction site and wants to create a new document. As this needs to be done quickly, the employee is happy to see that the project-specific fields have already been filled in because they were already stored in SharePoint or the Active Directory.


Project period13.10.2014 - 16.02.2016

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Portrait Herr Knudsen, Mann im Anzug

Ole Knudsen

Key Account Manager

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