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Fleet contracts

Project duration: 1 year, 6 months

Brief description

Creation of an overview for fleet contracts in order to display the individual levels. The data is delivered and displayed generically via web service. This ensures maximum independence of the decentralized and centralized components, as well as offline operation of the application. Fleet contract data stored on the host is transferred to the agency information system by means of a database procedure.


Insurance data is transferred automatically from the central mainframe system to the decentralized agency management and information system, in the background, as soon as the user's computer is reconnected to the company network. The software components of the web service used here are created with MS Visual Studio .NET. The affected programs for the business process logic are implemented with C++. The new user interface and the logic required for it are implemented with Delphi and Object Pascal. PowerDesigner (version 8) is used to model the adjustments to the Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere 9 database that is used for data storage.

Subject description

Insurance contracts for vehicle fleets, especially passenger cars, are an important service for business customers, in particular. In order to ensure optimum customer support and customer services, it is very important for users to be able to see the latest insurance data for the entire fleet of vehicles, at all times. This includes not only the contract data for each individual vehicle, but also all information about higher levels, up to the framework agreement. In order to ensure this, additional software components are necessary; these components automatically transfer any changes to the fleet contract data from the central mainframe system to the proprietary agency management and information system. For further processing by users, a user interface is added to the proprietary agency management and information system; this interface automatically formats and dynamically displays the information that is supplied.


Project period01.04.2005 - 30.09.2006

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